Private mentorship

Co-Creating Together: Navigating Paths of Creative Transformation

Dive into a personalized journey designed to meet you where you are. Whether you're drawn to the transformative depths of rediscovering your essence, the emotional resonance of music, or the enriching adventures of travel, each path is crafted to lead you toward self-discovery and a more fulfilling life. Explore one, combine them, or traverse them all – the destination is a richer, more connected you.

ALIGnment coaching

Creating space for attuning, connecting, and uncovering more of your essence.

creative mentorship

Exploring facets of being human through music transmissions, expressive storytelling, and intimate discussion.

Travel coaching

Current Offerings

Cultivating the intentions for new perspectives and clarity to emerge throughout your next journey.

honest share:

Four years ago, I knew I needed to take charge of my life, but, I didn't know how...I kept hearing about the possibilities of living your dream life, but didn't really believe it was available to me.

One thing I really did not understand then was the idea of having autonomy over my own choices. I remember wondering, if I had created my life up until now, then surely I could create something different for me, right? What would it feel like to be the creative director of your story? If it's possible for me, it's possible for you.  

Are you, too, ready to transform an aspect of your life that needs tending to while honoring your unique rhythm?

Sure, everything is going according to plan.

I see you shedding old layers, creating methodical to do lists, and following prescribed methods in order to achieve the visions you set out to realize. 
But, there seems to be this metaphorical deadline with your creative projects that you can’t shake. 
You’re hooked to a timeline and losing sight of your ultimate why day by day. The more you push for the outcome you desire, the quicker you're losing spark.

If you’re anything like I was, you have a preconceived idea of how “it” is supposed to be or look. “It” being life, your creativity or your work. And now you find yourself desiring support shifting your relationship to all of it.

let's be real.

you've been keeping it together on your own for far too long.

You deeply crave nourishment for your creative visions and projects. You’re looking for a place to integrate your experience of seasons past and give yourself permission to evolve into a new chapter. You’re ready to reignite your sense of curiosity, explore aspects of your world and remember what being home feels like.

So, what if you didn’t have to just go through the motions anymore? What if there was a space where you could show up without agenda and devote yourself to the process? What if being a multidimensional artist was your new normal?

i can support you because i've been there

Learning to create your own way forward in the world and know yourself.

It can feel really overwhelming. It seems you’re figuring your whole life out at once and are completely scattered. Your old ways aren't working anymore, your actions aren’t seeing fruit and all you want to do is escape to another place. Little by little though, you can begin to honor the bigger vision and the micro movements while embracing transformation.

Here's the secret - start where you are with a beginner's mind.

What our time together looks like:

make the everyday, beautiful again

Whether it's your creative process or your daily schedule, upgrade your everyday experience into something that feels more extraordinary, more you.


Honor the way you're currently showing up in the world, and build a new way forward that considers who you desire to be and where you desire to go.

contemplate your legacy

What you say matters. What you share matters. How you participate matters. Identify when to contribute, and what or who is allowed admission into your life.



A holistic approach to daily living where your work and life are more integrated.


Routines & rituals that get you excited.


Having self-awareness by intimately getting to know your inner landscape.


Deeply knowing the power of intentionality and putting it into action.


Being able to lead yourself to your desires.

Is This Right For You?

You're looking for time and space to unwind, feel free, and redefine tradition

You're overwhelmed by how quickly your energetic resources get depleted

YOu desire to feel creatively clear

Your environment is impacting your flow state

you're craving a new experience


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